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Design and Construct Detached 5 Bedroom House

Design and Construct Detached 5 Bedroom House




7 St Pauls Court, Mount Louisa

Completion Date

June 2022

Project Details


Nothing in this clause shall limit, modify or alter the extent or description of the Works as set out in detail elsewhere in the Contract documents. Subject to the foregoing, the works generally comprise the Design and Construction of 1 x 5-Bedroom House (General standard) at 7 St Pauls Court, Mount Louisa.

Project specific requirements and clarifications:

  • The department (Owner) will pay QLeave and provide a proof of the payment to Contractor.
  • Site Report attached to this Project Brief. Tenderers to allow for services and utilities property connections including live connections (if require), connection through engaging the local council (if required), engaging the local council approved contractors (if required). All services and utilities property connection costs to be paid by the contractor. Note: infrastructure charges are not payable for this Public Housing project – refer item 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 in this project brief.
  • The site is a vacant site. The tenderers are encouraged to inspect the site and allow for remaining demolitions, if any (e.g. existing fence, driveway, vegetations, in-ground structures etc.).
  • Kerb and channel should match existing. If there is none, provide kerb and channel for the width of the site with correct driveway crossover. Driveway location plans is included in this project brief (this indicative plan is to be used as a guide only – statutory requirements override this report)
  • Footpath to match existing. If none, a new footpath is not required.
  • If existing fencing meets Standard Inclusions document requirements and is in good structural condition, then it can be retained. If not, contractor to allow for replacement or repair as required. Allow for full cost of fencing on common boundary where new fence is required. Do not seek fencing cost contribution from adjoining owners. All fencing work to be carried out in consultation with adjoining owners as we jointly own the fence with adjoining owners.
  • Any trees removed from footpath and near lot boundaries (impacting on neighbours) will require appropriate replacement of the trees and approval from local authority (and landowners if the tree is on common boundary or in adjoining properties). Allow for liaising with neighbours, other stakeholders, consultation and inspection by consultants (e.g. environmental engineer. Arborist, flora and fauna spotters) etc. The tenderers to allow for all costs related to trees removal and replacements.
  • The Owner will not pay or assist in negotiations with neighbours for working on or near the lot boundaries, using neighbouring properties air space for crane operations (if required) etc. It is up to the tenders to determine appropriate design for such issues, construction methodology and liaise with neighbours and secure required consent/approvals.
  • The Contractor to liaise and pay for all infrastructure/utility upgrades required for the project. Liaising or actual costs of any infrastructure/utility upgrades are not reimbursable, including Energex, Stormwater, Sewer etc services and utilities connections.
  • Strata titling (for multi-dwellings) is not required. Any other easement (e.g. services, utilities) are not preferred. If such easements are necessary, contractor to obtain Owner’s consent, prepare easement survey plans at contractor’s costs and provide it to the Owner for registration. Owner will register easement and pay registration cost.
  • Time for Practical Completion and completion of each design stages are specified considering QFES approval, sewer diversion / build-over-sewer, Energex upgrades, stormwater connection etc. activities (where required) with lead time. Delays in statutory approval due to delays in making applications for the approvals/services connections, delays due to not making fully completed applications, delay in making required payments for the application etc. are contractor’s risk. PN 88729 MOUNT LOUISA 7 St Pauls Court – 1x5B DH (General standard)
  • The Owner prefers Deem-To-Satisfy Building Codes compliance and requires prior approval for Alternate Solutions / Performance Solutions. Where approval to use Alternate Solutions / Performance Solutions are given by the Owner, it is for Contractor’s Convenience i.e. no additional time or costs claimable.
  • Clarification for discrepancies in Standard Inclusions and Electrical requirement documents:
    • Hot water system is to be electric storage type hot water on economy tariff; and
    • The NBN must be recessed type

The scope of works includes, but is not limited to:

  • The engagement of consultants to prepare design and construction documentation, ensure compliance with all applicable codes, standards and regulations, prepare documentation suitable for Building Act Compliance, obtain all necessary approvals; and Construction of the works. The project will contain all inclusions as required by this Project Brief.

The Contractor is to allow for and provide all necessary documentation including but not limited to:

  • Project Drawings, specifications and schedules of work.
  • Safe Design Report/s in accordance with Workplace Health and Safety codes and regulations.
  • Geotechnical Engineering Services report.
  • Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation for areas with high probability of containing acid sulfate soils—prepared by a suitably qualified person and in accordance with the Guideline for Sampling and Analysis of Lowland Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) in Queensland 1998. It is acknowledged that the Western Australian (WA) Guideline—Identification and investigation of acid sulphate soils and acidic landscapes (June 2015)—contains up to date laboratory methods that should be referred to for analysis of ASS. Where required based on the assessment, an Acid Sulfate Soils Management Plan must be provided in accordance with the Queensland Acid Sulfate Soils Technical Manual: Soils Management Guidelines (Ver4.0 DSITI 2014).
  • Project specific Environmental Specification and Environmental Management Plan (Construction) including environmental reports in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (Qld) and other relevant legislation. The Contractor shall employ the services of appropriately qualified (including any lawfully required licence) and experienced environmental specialists to undertake
    the environmental management and environmental supervision of all works relating to the design, documentation, construction, training and commissioning of the facility.
  • Structural engineer’s drawings and specifications.
  • Civil engineer’s drawings, specifications and Stormwater Management Plan Report. Compliance with the Queensland Urban Drainage Manual and the State Planning Policy, July 2017 Assessment benchmarks for water quality and Appendix 2 Stormwater management design objectives.
  • Electrical engineer’s drawings and specifications. Liaise with relevant electricity distributer to arrange for electricity supply, upgrade, connection and commissioning and pay all associated costs.
  • Mechanical engineer’s drawings and specifications.
  • Hydraulic consultants’ drawings and specifications.
  • Energy efficiency consultant’s report (demonstrating energy efficiency rating in accordance with BCA requirements). A Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) assessment or rating of the potential energy efficiency of the project accommodation by appropriately accredited assessor using accredited software shall be provided to the Superintendent.
  • Fire Services Engineering drawings, specification and Fire Safety Management Plan (where applicable).
  • Acoustic Engineering Services, reports, drawings, specifications and certification. Where required ensure compliance with the Queensland Development Code Mandatory Part 4.4 Buildings in PN 88729 MOUNT LOUISA 7 St Pauls Court – 1x5B DH (General standard) Project Brief (Design & Construct) Ver. 0.2 (2020) Page 12 of 25 transport noise corridor. For development adjacent or within 25m of a railway corridor or State controlled road, ensure compliance with SDAP module 1 and TMR’s State Development. Assessment Provisions Supporting Information: Community Amenity (Noise).
  • For development adjoining a State Controlled Road, all required permits for driveway access location, and road works in accordance with the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994.
  • All required approvals including BCA Assessment, Local Authority Plumbing and Drainage and Operational works approvals, all Form 15’s and 16’s, and Certificate of Classification. All the required approvals to enable lawful occupation of the buildings. Pay all associated costs.
  • Access and consent from adjoining owners for sewer and stormwater connection or upgrade works for property connection and for fencing and retaining on common boundaries. A signed agreement letter of the mentioned access and consent from adjoining neighbours for the described works shall be provided to the Superintendent.
  • On completion, provide all certificates and warranties Certification and Warranty Requirements.
Project Stages

The Project includes the following stages:

  • Construction Documentation;
  • Construction; and
  • Post Construction (Defects Liability Period).
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